Dr. Elise Wattendorf

Elise Wattendorf is responsible, since 2015, for the first and second year Osteopathy's Bachelor anatomy internship course at HEdS-FR. She supervises as well various Bachelor's and Master's dissertations of osteopathy students. 

During the years 1999 - 2003, she supervised internships in anatomy and histology at the University of Basel and led seminars in neuroanatomy.

Elise Wattendorf's first experiences as a research assistant was in 1998 at the clinical research department of the University of Bern.  She then obtained in 2003 her doctorate at the Anatomy Institute of the University of Basel under the supervision of Prof. Dr. med. Cordula Nitsch. 

Between 2004 and 2007, she worked as a research assistant (PostDoc) for the National Fund's research project "Visualization of olfactory stimuli's central nervous system processing in patients with Parkinson's disease". 

Since 2008, Elise Wattendorf has been carrying out research at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Medicine of the University of Fribourg in the Department of Medicine, Anatomy and Histology under the direction of Prof. Dr. med. Marco R. Celio.

 Since 2014, working as a senior assistant, her research has focused in particular on behavioral neuroscience and neuroimaging. 

Since 2001, Elise Wattendorf has participated in or directed several publications of scientific articles, mainly focusing on Neuroscience.

